all postcodes in M23 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M23 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M23 0AA 30 0 53.400469 -2.27068
M23 0AB 5 2 53.404825 -2.279342
M23 0AD 11 0 53.407844 -2.291696
M23 0AE 17 2 53.408478 -2.2934
M23 0AF 8 0 53.409622 -2.291694
M23 0AG 16 0 53.40778 -2.296088
M23 0AH 20 6 53.409423 -2.292955
M23 0AJ 12 0 53.408477 -2.294092
M23 0AL 35 0 53.409574 -2.293979
M23 0AN 3 0 53.400592 -2.272169
M23 0AP 14 0 53.409318 -2.295632
M23 0AR 22 0 53.407742 -2.296734
M23 0AS 16 0 53.408744 -2.295192
M23 0AT 45 0 53.409352 -2.296144
M23 0AU 20 0 53.408888 -2.294787
M23 0AW 11 0 53.410344 -2.294872
M23 0AX 1 0 53.409948 -2.295396
M23 0AY 4 0 53.410443 -2.295098
M23 0AZ 2 0 53.410062 -2.295638
M23 0BA 6 0 53.400708 -2.272576